There has been the presence of dispersed offspring leftovers descended from the camaraderie of chosen ancestor and the scripture which has been originated from Jews ancestory, concerning Messiah's mission to sacrifice himself on the penitential bleeding ritual for all creatures, has been delivered and preached for dispersed offspring remains of chosen ancestor by brokerage assist from different origin indigenously sprout tribesmen. There has been several differently issued another version after the scripture has been conducted for them, these variant volume including the issue concerning Messiah's penitential ritual has been such as the power of Messiah has made the assorted issue disclosed for the offspring of the camaraderie derived from chosen ancestor, from the cognizance of different origin ethnically forked tributary, such as the attempt thanks attributing to the proficiency of Messiah as they have been issued in order to have it make acknowledged testimonial to the ethnically various different origin descendant and the dispersed offspring leftovers derived from the camaraderie of chosen ancestor and Jews sprinkled over the whole sphere about that the chronicle concerning prophecy of innumerable diviners and the missionary behavior of Messiah's twelve apostle has been verified as trustworthy. Followingly, holy pure spirit has revealed that the earliest chronicle capable of having been discovered from the ethnically indigenous tribesmen community has existed to verify the credibility of the prime scripture originated in the Messiah's twelve apostle maneuver, to give knowledge of trustfulness on validity to devotees about the valuable plainly explained portion which had been censored and erased as verification as well Messiah has been the Son descended from immortal Creator, the passage of whole sphere, as deliverer for creation so that whole creation has to apply and revere for themselves to enter in his refugee lodge, the more salvation would have been detached from them if such path has been abolished, while all mankind has to obey the ethical behavioral code teaching which has described in way of gentry magnificent utterance of Messiah and to secure for themselves under the sunctuary